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St. Peter the Fisherman Lutheran Church

St. Peter the Fisherman History
1940 - 1965
Early 1940's Rev. Benjamin Schuldheisz served the Lincoln City area.
Mid 1940's Rev. John Wirth served the Lincoln City area. At the time families met in members homes. Later Rev. Simon served the growing congregation.
1950 - 1954 Worship services conducted at Delake, Oregon at what would become Trinity Lutheran Church in Sheridan, Oregon.
Mid 1950's - 1962 The congregation continued to slowly grow continuing to meet in the afternoons at the Bateman Funeral Home with services led by the pastor from All Nations Lutheran Church in Newport, Oregon.
1964 Arranged with St. James Episcopal Church to use their facilities in the afternoon with Bible study and Sunday school held before the services with Rev. Mervin Kellerman serving the congregation.
1965 Rev. Adam Lautenschlager served all Nations Lutheran Church and the mission church at Lincoln City from Salem Oregon. Earlier in the year the church purchased St. James Episcopal Church's old sanctuary (our current Fellowship Hall) along with two adjoining lots. The congregation then started holding morning worship services. St. John's Lutheran Church in Portland generously gave us some altar furnishings.
1966 - 2001
1966 On August 28th, 1966 the church was rededicated; Lay Assistant Clyde Sloan conducted services on non-communion Sundays. During 1966 the church chose the name St. Peter the Fisherman Lutheran Church based on Luke 5:10.
By 1967 there were 20 families in the congregation. January 1967, the ladies of the congregation become part of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML). This same year the first rummage sale was held.
April 16th, 1967 Congregation held an organizational meeting to establish St. Peter the Fisherman. During the meeting a constitution was adopted and officers elected.
February 1968 - 1981 Rev. Ronald Zagel accepted a divine call to to be the pastor for three parishes on the Oregon coast (Newport, Toledo, and Lincoln City). He was installed on March 24th, 1968. Pastor "Pete" helped St. Peter grow during the years that followed in numbers and spirituality.
1970's During the Vietnam War years, the LWML sent packages of socks and drink mixes to the troops, a new electronic organ was purchased. By 1980 there were 57 families with 25 children attending St. Peter the Fisherman.
1981 - 2001 This year saw the first full-time pastor for St Peter the Fisherman. The congregation called Rev. Larry Rohlfing. He along with his wife Carol and son Paul were warmly welcomed. The 1980's saw rapid growth of the congregation. November 1983 saw the dedication of the multi-purpose building and the remodeled sanctuary. In April 1987 the current sanctuary was dedicated. In 1992 more property fronting Highway 101 was purchased. Construction began and the Activity Building was dedicated September 16th 2001.
2001 - Present
2001 In September Rev. Larry Rohlfing retired after 20 years of ministry, and the congregation called Rev. Steve Waterman to serve as pastor. Pastor Waterman introduced Community Adult Bible Study (CABS) to Lincoln City. Our Sunday School thrived and Vacation Bible School became an annual event. There were many community outreach activities for children, youth and adults. Our Sunday services were inspiring. In June, 2006, Pastor Steve accepted a call to Our Savior in Waldport.
2007 St. Peter called Geoffrey Wagner to serve as pastor. His time with us was short and St. Peter was again in a period of vacancy that lasted until 2012.
2012 St. Peter called Rev. James Kyes to serve as pastor. He was installed on June 24th, 2012 and is currently serving the congregation and community of Lincoln City. Since his arrival, we have enhanced the Chancel by replacing and adding paraments, a Paschal Candle, chalice and Holy Communion linens. He also leads a Bible study at 9am, each Sunday. Our worship services are filled with the Gospel message of God's love for us. Pastor Kyes has a love for guitars. We have a monthly Gospel Hootenanny with guitar and piano, call the office for times. Pastor Kyes attends our monthly LWML meetings where he leads us in a devotion and singing.
We are truly blessed to be a blessing!
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